Institutional Rejections of the IHRA Definition
The IHRA definition has been rejected by dozens of institutional actors in Canada, the United States and Europe.
Below follows a non-exhaustive list of such rejections between May 2017 and the present.
The list has been compiled with the kind assistance of PhD candidate Jamie Stern-Weiner (Oxford University).
February 2024: Indiana’s Senate amended a House bill, removing references to IHRA and replace it with “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred towards Jews.
January 2024: Below follows a non-exhaustive list of such rejections between May 2017 and the present. The list has been compiled with the kind assistance of PhD candidate Jamie Stern-Weiner (Oxford University). Berlin’s Senator for Culture revokes IHRA-based clause from public funding, due to legal concerns and after widespread criticism across the cultural sector
July 2023: Clifton City Council removes resolution or adopting IHRA definition from the agenda
June 2023: National Conference of the Australian Greens adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
June 2023: 11 leading Israeli civil society and human rights NGO, including B’Tselem, issue statement urging the UN to avoid the IHRA definition
April 2023: 104 civil society organizations, including leading human rights NGOs Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, co-sign letter to UN opposing IHRA definition
March 2023: Federal Council of the Quebec Federation of University Teachers (FQPPU) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
March 2023: Human Rights Committee of Winnipeg City Council declines to adopt motion to adopt IHRA definition
March 2023: Australian National University (ANU) resists pressure to adopt IHRA definition, a move welcomed by the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) and the Australian National University Students’ Association (ANUSA)
February 2023: American Bar Association (ABA) removes references to IHRA definition before passing resolution on antisemitism
February 2023: Student Senate of the University of California Berkeley rejects resolution to adopt IHRA definition
January 2023: 42 organizations including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) call on cosponsors of proposed American Bar Association (ABA) resolution to remove all references to IHRA definition
December 2022: Motion to adopt IHRA at Waterloo Region District School Board withdrawn
November 2022: Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) issues statement opposing IHRA definition
October 2022: National Council of the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) adopts motion opposing IHRA definition
September 2022: York Region Disctrict School Board opts against adopting IHRA definition
May 2022: Senate of University of Aberdeen adopts Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (JDA) instead of IHRA definition
May 2022: Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
April 2022: Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA) adopts motion opposing IHRA definition
December 2021: Board of the Association for Jewish Studies endorses report opposing adoption of any single antisemitism definition including IHRA definition
December 2021: University of Toronto accepts recommendation of Anti-Semitism Working Group opposing adoption of IHRA definition
November 2021: National Council of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
November 2021: General Union of Professors of the University of Montreal (SGPUM) endorses resolution opposing IHRA definition
September 2021 Meeting of Ravensbourne University London declines to adopt IHRA definition
June 2021: Congress of the National Federation of Teachers of Quebec (FNEEQ-CSN) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
June 2021: Assembly of the University of Warwick adopts resolutions opposing IHRA definition
June 2021: Race and Faith Commission of the University of Brighton publishes report opposing adoption of IHRA definition
May 2021: Executive Board of the Mount Royal Faculty Association (MRFA) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
May 2021: British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) issues statement opposing imposition of IHRA definition on UK universities
April 2021: Student Senate of the City University of New York (CUNY) rejects resolution to adopt IHRA definition
April 2021: University of Western Ontario Faculty Association (UWOFA) issues statement opposing IHRA definition
April 2021: Executive Committee of the University of Regina Faculty Association (URFA) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
April 2021: General Assembly of the Concordia University Faculty Association (CUFA) adopts motion opposing IHRA definition
April 2021: European International Studies Association (EISA) issues statement opposing IHRA definition
March 2021: Branch Membership Meeting of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 3097) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
March 2021: Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) issues statement opposing IHRA examples
March 2021: General Meeting of the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
March 2021: Strasbourg City Council rejects a resolution to adopt the IHRA definition
March 2021 General Assembly of the Union of Professors of the University of Quebec at Trois Rivières (SPPUQTR) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
March 2021: Membership Meeting of the Union of Professors of the University of Quebec at Montreal (SPUQ) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
March 2021: Students’ Union at the City University of London adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
March 2021: Jewish Faculty Network issues statement opposing IHRA definition
February 2021: Executive Committee of University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association (USFA) adopts motion opposing IHRA definition
February 2021: Association of Academic Staff University of Alberta (AASUA) issues statement opposing IHRA definition
February 2021: Ontario College of Art & Design Faculty Association issues statement opposing IHRA definition
February 2021: Association of Professors of the University of Otawa (APUO) adopts motion opposing IHRA definition
January 2021: Executive Committee of the Ryerson Faculty Association adopts motion opposing IHRA definition
January 2021: New Israel Fund of Canada (NIFC) issues statement withdrawing support for IHRA definition
November 2020: Executive of the Wilfred Laurier Faculty Association (WLUFA) adopts resolution and issues statement opposing IHRA definition
November 2020: Branch of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 3906) issues statement opposing IHRA definition
October 2020: CUPE Ontario issues statement opposing IHRA definition
October 2020: Branch Executive Committee of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 3903) adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
October 2020: Nipissing University Faculty Association issues statement opposing IHRA definition
October 2020: Executive Committee of the St. Jerome’s University Academic Staff Association adopts resolution opposing IHRA definition
October 2020: Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) issues statement opposing IHRA definition
July 2020: York University Faculty Association (YUFA) endorses statement opposing IHRA definition
July 2020: Osgoode Hall Faculty Association (OHFA) issues statement opposing IHRA definition
March 2020: Canadian Union of Postal Workers issues statement opposing IHRA definition
March 2020: Canadian Labour Congress issues statement opposing IHRA definition
February 2020: Canadian Federation of Students issues statement opposing IHRA definition and endorsing alternative definition by Independent Jewish Voices
February 2020: Branch of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 3908) endorses statement opposing IHRA definition
February 2020: Wellington City Council resolution to adopt IHRA definition is withdrawn after it had become controversial in the Jewish community
January 2020: Montreal City Council resolution to adopt IHRA definition is withdrawn after it failed to gain support’
December 2019: Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) issues statement opposing IHRA definition
July 2019: Vancouver & District Labour Council issues statement opposing IHRA definition
June 2019: British Columbia Civil Liberties Association issues statement opposing IHRA definition
October 2018: 20 European trade unions issue statement opposing IHRA definition
August 2018: World Council of Churches issues statement opposing IHRA definition
May 2018: Annual General Meeting of civil rights group Liberty adopts motion opposing IHRA definition
May 2017: Civil liberties group PEN America issues statement opposing IHRA definition
May 2017: Congress of the University and College Union (UCU) adopts motion opposing IHRA definition